Monday, August 18, 2008

Crazy Days on Wheeler Hilltop

My, my, my, when it rains it certainly does pour lately! Jadyn keeps getting these really bad Urinary Tract Infections. She runs really high fevers (104.8). Scary fevers. She looses complete control of her bladder, which is very unusual for her. She has never been a bed wetter. I took her to the doctor on Tuesday. She was fine when we arrived there at 9 am, but the poked and prodded her for several hours. They tried to get urine through a catheter twice. Yes, I did say twice. I hate them, so I guess for a two year old it was horrific. I know that it sure sounded that way. They held her down on one of those confining boards that strap her arms down. It took three nurses to get the catheter in and the whole time she was screaming at the top of her lungs “Let me go, get off of me” (There was a nurse that actually sat on top of her and held her legs up) It was awful!!! All of this trouble twice to get absolutely no urine specimen! They said that she wouldn’t relax enough. Yeh, like a two year old that is terrified with three nurses holding her down with tube inserted in her urethra is going to relax! They ended up bagging her-a bag tapped over her to collect urine. She wouldn’t even pee then, because she didn’t want to wet her pants. My sister (who works at the pediatric office) had to sit her on the toilet to go. I have never seen urine look soooo much like puss.

They gave her four prescriptions and told us to come back the next day. She didn’t run fever the entire day, so the office told us there was no need to come back in. Then-----she took a nap and woke up with yet another 104 fever. The office told us to take her to the emergency room. We got there at 5pm. They told us about 9pm that they were going to admit her, and it was about 2am before we got into a room. They had to put an IV in and I cried and cried. All she wanted to do was go home. She didn’t understand why she had to stay and why they kept poking her with needles. I thought that we would be going home the next day, but no. We were up there Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and half a day on Saturday. They had to do another IV on Thursday because the one that they did in the ER started to swell. She got use the IV machine and would drag the bag cart around with her. She wouldn’t eat or drink, but the women on the pediatric floor were good with her.

They kept finding things wrong with her, though. Friday they sent her down to get an echocardiogram. They heard a murmur, which I have known about since she was born, and realized that it had never been checked out thoroughly. Everything was basically fine with that. She has one valve that allows a little backflow, but shouldn’t cause her any problems. They said that we should just keep a check on it every year.

I actually saw my father’s wife at the hospital. I was trying soo hard to ignore her or at least lead her to think I didn’t know who she was, but she wouldn’t allow it. She made some remark on my flip-flops and how she had the same pair and how comfortable they were. Oh well, “Yes, they are comfortable.” That was all I could come up with for her.

We go to Birmingham on Thursday to get the cyst that is on her kidney’s checked out, more catheters and a dye test. When will all of these painful procedures for this little girl come to an end? If this were being done to me it wouldn’t be a problem, but all of this on Jadyn. Pain that your child goes through is much more painful than your own. I guess that must be a little bit like how God feels when we go through pain, or even on a bigger scale, how He felt when Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Six Flags

Well, things have been crazy around the house the last few weeks. I had a wedding that I went to weekend before last. This past Sunday I took Brianna to Six Flags. She had an absolute ball. I was tired, tired, tired, tired!!!!! She wanted to ride every roller coaster that there was. Of course, she wasn't tall enough to ride the Bateman or the Superman, darn! She loved all of the rides. Really, really wanted to ride all of the rides twice, but those lines were crazy. I had forgotten that some of the waits on those were almost an hour long. The last time I was in Six Flags there was one ride I couldn't ride because the belt wasn't long enough! How embarrassing! Well, I fit on all the rides this time. I was 203 this morning. I have a goal of 197 by Jadyn's birthday which is September 12th. 6 more to go. I still have about 50 more to go. It's getting a little old now, but I will make it. I'm having to deal with self sabatoging efforts. I always do that.

I am getting Brianna ready for school. She starts on Monday. I have so much to do. I have decided to perm her hair. I have to get a deep conditioner to put on her hair before I do it. I picked up the wrong perm and have to get another one. I have everything for her except some tennis shoes and three prong folders----which are impossible to find right now, and she needs 25 of them! Third grade- wow! time does fly by. Jadyn will start head start after her birthday in September and will be riding the same bus as her older sister. She is so excited. She is such a mama's baby I don't know how that will work, though. Mama and I have already said that she will be expelled the first week of school. OOOOH! she can be soooooooooooo bad sometimes and soooooo sweet at others. She completely fits the old nursery rhyme. "There once was a little girl with a little curl right in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was really good, but when she was bad she was horrid." That's my Poo (Jadyn) to a T. I am going to get updated pictures of the kids up soon. So maybe all of ya'll can see what 203 looks like!!!Ha Ha.