Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Hairy Situation!

We did a little grocery shopping today, a little swimming, and a little perming of Poo's hair. That child's hair is something else! Brianna's was almost as rough as Jadyn's until I started perming hers. Now Bri's hair is to the middle of her back. Thank the Lord Bella's is more like mine! She has ringlets all over her head. Absolutely no offense to any black woman that reads this, but African American hair is very high maintaince! I love the versatility, but the knots in Jadyn's hair would amaze the most accomplished boy scout!

I know that I have allowed Jadyn to get her way with not doing her hair as much as I should. Believe me it wont happen anymore. Wow!
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Long Awaited Update

The girls are doing great. Times are still tough, but I am taking two classes at AUM. There are so many things that run through my head on a daily basis. The girls are getting older and want so many things. These are not even big things. I hate having to say no. I know that God has my back no matter what, but I haven't exactly had His lately. There are so many families that have it worse than me, those that are struggling with things that scare me to death. I am alive and healthy and so are my girls.

The TobyMac song keeps running through my head constantly lately. "I don't want to gain the whole world to lose my soul". I have been seeking the world for a long time, and it has gained me nothing. The road less taken is less taken for a reason. It's hard, and the ground is uneven. It's is even harder to get off that comfortable, well traveled road to take the less traveled one. However, I know what is at the end of both of them.

God give me strength to walk in your light and in your mercy daily.
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