Friday, July 18, 2008

Being Too Honest?

This picture of Jadyn when she was one is just how I want to take in God's Word. I want to take it all in!! Is there such a thing as being too honest? Sharing too much information? I'm not sure, but I am going to trust that God will be in complete control of what I share through this blog. I have too long trusted in myself. It's a hard thing to rebuild trust when it has been lost, and I had lost trust in myself. . My mother just found out that she is a diabetic. It was extremely high when she went to the doctor. She is stubborn when it comes to going to the doctor; she avoids them like the plague. We are copeing, though. It wont hurt the entire family to eat correctly. The girls have diabetes and heart trouble on both sides of the family, and I have recently found out just how many in my family have it. The girls grandmother and grandfather on their father's side both died before their 50th bithdays. Brianna asked me last night if Nana (my mother) was going to die like her Gran Gran did. I told her that Nana was going to take care of herself so that she could be around for a long time. She then asked why her Gran Gran didn't take care of herself. I had to tell her that I didn't know. Children are wonderful aren't they. They can sometimes be honest to a fault. They ask questions and tell you things about yourself and don't think about whether they will be hurting your feelings. Brianna told me that needed to lose weight, she wanted me to be skinnier. She told the truth that is for sure. Fifty pounds later she told me that she could tell that I had lost weight, but I still needed to lose more, "but will you have enough room if another baby pops into your stomach" Ha Ha. I preceded to tell her there would be no more babies popping anywhere! All this to say --- honesty hurts and comes at a cost, but if it is coming from the right place is always benificial. So, may the Lord give me strength to always be honest with myself.

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