Monday, July 14, 2008

A New Beginning

Ok, so everything is a new beginning lately. My life has been too crazy to actually tell it all in one sitting. Where I am now is a single mother of three beautiful daughters. Brianna (8), Jadyn 2 1/2, and Isabella (5 months), Struggling mom is more like it, but things are changing. The winds have changed, there is a new season that I see in the distance. I feel the fresh air and smell the excitement that it will be bringing. So if you are reading this blog then prepare to see changes and experience honesty at it's complete rawness. (Don't know if that is even a word) Basically I am going to be completely honest about my entire life and let people judge how they may, because I only care about my final judgement.

1 comment:

The Jacksons said...

Good for you Angie...It's good to see you...cant wait to see pictures of the girls!!

Margie Walker (Jenn's sister)