Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jadyn Alysia Wheeler

Ok, this picture tells it all with Jadyn. She is completely different from her sister Brianna. Jadyn is wild, wide open. She is hard-headed, stubborn and willfull. She likes to do things for herself. Loves to poke out that bottom lip when she gets in trouble or doesn't get her way. She keeps Brianna and Madelyn running constantly. Then there is the other side of Jadyn. She is loving, caring, and drops everything to help me if I ask her to. How can she be two different children you may ask---I have no clue. She dislikes most men, hides behind my legs. But loves her Daddy---go figure. She has night terrors at night, which keep up about an hour each night. She screams for no reason. The doctor says that some children just go through this phase and that it will pass---Here's hoping to that it will be soon!!!!! Also, she has had to have several test done lately. The doctors have been worried about her kidney function. They had to do an ultra-sound of her urinary tract and found a cyst on one of her kidneys. Now granted it is as small as your pinky nail without the white, but is still scary. She ran a 104.8 fever about three weeks ago. She had a bad UTI, which is border line uncommon in a child her age. They thought that it might have been a weak muscle that was letting bacteria go back into her kidneys. So, now this means more tests--poor baby she is scared to death of the doctor's office. She has been to the emergency room at least 7 times with nurse maid's elbow. This is when her elbow basically comes out of socket. It happens at every little thing now, so we have to be careful. Can't swing her around and around-it came out when Brianna was swinging her one day. She ran out in front of a car, and I snatched her out of the way---happened again. Needless to say she hates doctors!!! But you can't knock her spirit, though!

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